Re: [Gimp-user] Image portion select and drag.

These are basic Gimp functionality. I suggest the introductory manual
or any number of Youtube videos.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 4:49 PM, joe.noel <joe noel hotmail com> wrote:
When one single image is open, how do I:

1. Select one small portion of the image and drag it? I tried using the select tool and can't make it work.

2. Negative or reverse color polarity. Ie: reverse color profile.  White to black. Black to white for 

3. Flip or mirror an image so that I can surround a center image with 2 mirror images of a second graphic 
on each side?

4. Paste into one image a 2nd imahe and manipulate them. Some programs you have to flatten the images into 
1 image and then proceed to select a small portion of the greater image to drag, resize, etc to position 
next to the other image.

I have attached an image as an example. This was originally several images I had to drag and resize and 
drop in and alphabetize, reverse color profile on the "equalizer" image portion then mirror image it to use 
for left and right positioning. I had to resize the crown while it was inside the greater image. I found 
all of this quite difficult to do with GIMP or not all able to be done per my knowledge of the product. It 
was very frustrating.  I spent 2 hours trying it with GIMP, but gave up and used another program on a 
friends laptop on 20 minutes.  I am very excited about gimp and want to learn more.

Joseph L. Noel
515-964-0988: Ph
515-783-4166: Mo

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