Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

To: gimp-user-list gnome org
From: melleus openmailbox org
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 16:06:54 +0200
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

Everybody who prefers to lose information when exporting the work to jpg
instead of saving it and posesses the skill of reading could find in the
manual the way to remap the hotleys. No problem to discuss.

There's only one "problem" with the current model:  I, for one, would love an option to suppress the unsaved 
changes prompt in the event that I'm working on a simple image file that is exported to a standard file 
format and has no XCF associated with it.  Such as when I'm downscaling digital photos for uploading to the 

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
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