Re: [Gimp-user] Scanned negatives, moire patterns and GIMP?

Am 05.12.2014 um 21:34 schrieb Keith Purtell:
Here's a link to one portion of the image:

Try this via G'MIC:

I hope this helps. :-)

On 12/4/2014 7:11 PM, Liam R E Quin wrote:
  If they can't resolve this, what are my chances of solving the
with GIMP? I tried a few of the existing filters without visible
My first Google searches haven't turned up a good detailed tutorial on
moire removal.

There's a G'MIC filter for it. But it depends on the exact nature of
the pattern as to what's best. I get them when scanning colour books,
because of the way the books are printed (it's actually unavoidable
unless you use a "descreen filter" in the scanner driver, but better
to do it in GIMP). For that, separating into layers and using
gaussian blur is often best, but another possibility is to use
wavelet decomposition and delete that high frequency layers. G'MIC
has a filter to do that, too.

If you can share a sample I can have a better look.

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