Re: [Gimp-user] download difficulties


On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Lee ann Hargrave
<leeannhargrave yahoo com> wrote:
I have tried numerous sites to download GIMP which I used on my old computer and would like to download 
onto my new one.  Unfortunately, each time I tried to download a file, my virus software blocks it saying 
that it contains viruses.  If you are aware of this problem, is there a site where this can be obtained 
without getting infected?
Well the best solution is to download GIMP from the official website,
since other websites are not necessarily trusted and can sometimes be
actual malware:

Note that I don't say that all third-party builds are untrustable.
Some are well known and actually legit. But when you don't really know
what's out there, the safest solution is to download from the official
GIMP website. :-)

Have fun with GIMP!


Lee Ann Hargrave
(505) 467-9376
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