Re: [Gimp-user] GimpLensfun database

On Sat, 2013-09-28 at 07:58 -0400, Partha Bagchi wrote:
Lensfun has tutorials to add your own lens if it does not show up.
Have you tried those yet?

Yes.  There are several ways to do it, including using hugin, which I
have some experience with. 

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 12:59 AM, Leonard Evens
<len math northwestern edu> wrote:
        On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 22:17 -0500, Leonard Evens wrote:
        > I have a Nikon D800 with a 24-70 mm lens and a 70-200 lens.
         These are
        > standard lenses for the camera.   The filter GimpLensfun
        shows the
        > camera (as well as the D800e) but doesn't have entries for
        either of my
        > lenses.  I've been trying to use the filter leaving the lens
        > blank.  Does that make any sense?  Something happens, but I'
        m not sure
        > the correction is accurate.
        > I usually shoot NEF and use darktable to process my images,
        and that has
        > the same problem.  It show the same choices of lenses but
        neither of the
        > standard lenses.   Presumably the problem is with the
        Lensfun database.
        > I know that I can in principle produce correction tables
        myself, but it
        > seems like a lot of work, and I haven't been able to figure
        out how to
        > do it.
        Let me add that I checked /usr/share/lensfun and while it
        doesn't have
        an entry for the 24-70 mm lens, it does have one for the
        70-200 lens.
        So why doesn't GimpLensfun show that lens as a choice for the
        Where is it getting its information about lenses if not from
        that file?
        Leonard Evens len math northwestern edu
        Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern
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Leonard Evens len math northwestern edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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