[Gimp-user] GIMP Success celebrated on Flickr

I haven't been able to figure out how to share this message with the GIMP developers more directly, so maybe some people here can help spread this message? 


I'm an amateur photographer and photo artist. I make almost no money at my data entry job, and just have a point-and-shoot camera and GIMP. 

For the past two years I've been using and experimenting with GIMP, and for the past year or so it's been my only graphics manipulation software. I completely believe in the Open Source programming philosophy and the amazing work everyone who helps out with GIMP is doing. 

This past Friday, March 3rd, the Flickr Blog and Yahoo! Studios posted a three minute video of the work I've been doing with GIMP, which you can get to at the link above. I thought people who were instrumental with the creation of GIMP might want to know about that success. 

I'm frequently asked if I use photoshop in my images, and I'm proud to tell people, "Not anymore. GIMP is my go-to software of choice." 

Thank you so much, all of you, for all you do to make this such an amazing and powerful and easily accessible piece of software. You are the best!! 

If anyone knows how I can more directly reach the developers and promoters of this software I'd love to let them know. Thanks for your help with this. 

yours in peace and inspiration, 
Garth Hill 
Photomaginarium at Flickr 

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