Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8.6 Windows - Queries new Plug-ins at every startup

Von: "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" <jnagyjr1978 gmail com>

On 06/26/13 15:17, scl wrote:
Am 26.06.13 22:11, schrieb Jernej Simončič:

This appears to be a bug in 32-bit build - we're looking into it.

You're right. The 64 bit build doesn't have that delay on startup.

Not true.

amd64 FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p4 here, just updated to GIMP 2.8.6 and still
have the delay over multiple sessions.

Then you may be seeing the same or a similar bug on your platform.
You didn't really specify how long that delay is, though.

I don't really see it as buggy.

It doesn't matter whether you see something as a bug for it to be one.

If there is something missing it will only be known by rescanning the
folders time-and-again.

If it is missing, then it will be added (remember my comment about the caching based on the file modification 
time?). If a plug-in was there previously and has been changed, its query() procedure will be run again. See for a more detailed description of a plug-in's key 

So there's no need for GIMP to re-query plug-ins all the time. As I wrote before, an GIMP launch with 
unchanged plug-ins should rush through that stage.


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