Re: [Gimp-user] A sad case of regression ?

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Helen <etters h gmail com> wrote:

Ron said:
Since Linux is all in favour of freedom of choice, how about offering the
user an export / save choice in the Preferences dialogues ?

I wish to endorse this. The export feature could have been added without
disabling the save as feature.  And I, also, have tried to go back
to gimp 2.6, but now that I have upgraded to suse 12.3,  gimp 2.6 will not
work with the latest suse gtk

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Renaud OLGIATI <
renaud olgiati-in-paraguay org> wrote:

On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:28:31 +0200
"Uniklaps" <uni klaps t-online de> wrote:

When you open a jpg-file in GIMP 2.8 and make changes and save this
as jpg, you cannot re-change the changes you made (if file is closed).
changes are not necessary, GIMP can save as tif or jpg. (But are you
sure, that your work is perfect?)
Saving the jpg you worked with as an GIMP xcf-file you can open it
again and
continue your work or go back to changes you made. With an jpg this is
possible. But: You should be familiar to the GIMP - feature "layers"

Let us put it this way: If I thought I might want to undo/modify changes
later, I would Save As (or Save As Copy) in .xcf; but when I load a .jpg,
work on it, and Save, I know that I wont be able to undo changes, and I
expect the saved file to replace the original one, not to have the original
left untouched and something completely different saved.

Andrew & Bridget <andrew_bridget btinternet com> wrote:

Just because a program does not perform the way you would like it to,
doesn't make it an inferior program.

No, but it makes it more difficult, and less appealing, to use.

As it has been said before if you don't like it, use something else, no
body makes you use GIMP.

I like GIMP, have liked it for fourteen years; I just dont like GIMP 2.8,

Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

- If not, what is the latest release of GIMP that behaved in the old
(and intuitive) way, so I can go back to that version ?


I will be now be looking for the 2.6.11 package since you kindly tols me
it is free from that export/save sillyness.

radar map35 free fr wrote:

but if Gimp is made easier and safer for most of people, let's trust
our contributors.

Since Linux is all in favour of freedom of choice, how about offering the
user an export / save choice in the Preferences dialogues ?


               Il est dangereux d'avoir raison dans des choses
               où des hommes accrédités ont tort.
                                                   -- Voltaire

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Helen Etters
using Linux, suse12.3

Helen Etters
using Linux, suse12.3

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