Re: [Gimp-user] A sad case of regression ?

Here we go again . . . .

PS Why do the developpers think we all want to use the .xcf format ?

It's not like that.  It's a change in design from one model to another.

The change is beneficial when you ARE working on an XCF file (in the exact same vein as using Photoshop to 
work on PSD files, e.g. multi-layer digital compositions).  Prior to 2.8 when you "Saved" to something other 
than an XCF you were constantly warned about things that had to happen (e.g. flattening layers) before GIMP 
could actually output the file.  After that, GIMP lost track of the XCF file, meaning that any subsequent 
"Save" commands targetted the most recent (non-XCF ) file and if you didn't manually save back to the XCF 
file before quitting, you could potentially lose edits.

The upside is that Exporting to standard image formats is actually faster in 2.8 than Saving to them was in 
2.6 .

The downside is that the change is indeed annoying when all you need GMP for is to open up an image, make a 
few edits then save back to it, because this does not make GIMP consider the image "Saved" (to an XCF) and 
you get an extra "Save changes?" prompt when closing the image. 

(I also personally disagree with the developer's insistence that GIMP should not give the user an option to 
switch from the Save dialog to the Export dialogue or vice versa.)

But enough of that.  Search the mailing list archives sometime and you will find literally thousands of posts 
on the Save/Export topic (if the search below is to be believed, in fact over THIRTY THOUSAND):

Try giving it a month or two to mentally adjust to selecting "Export" instead of "Save" when you need to 
output a standard image file format.  If you still prefer the old behavior, there are alternatives, such as 
the "noxcf" fork that preserves the 2.6-style saving behavior:

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

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