Re: [Gimp-user] Topic Change: GEGL abstraction Was:GIMP app?

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Sam Gleske wrote:

Right, it has features.  Being that it's a library is it not to provide
some abstraction and help simplify the implementation?  As it is in a
library, writing another GUI on top of it would be possible and
considerably easier than previous iterations of GIMP.  The user interaction
would change but not the features provided.


I don't understand why you are trying to insist on UI change as one of
GEGL points.

Yes, one could create an entirely new image editor based on GEGL. In
fact, there's at least one such project. But that is simply not the
reason we use GEGL in GIMP. I don't know how else to explain that.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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