Re: [Gimp-user] How to move layer group

On 15.07.13 at 04:58 AM Burnie West wrote:
Ihave created a layer group - I want to move it butit seems I must still
move one layer at a time.
Is there a way to move a layer group across an image?


it depends on what exactly you're trying to achieve:

A) Move all the layers in that layer group to another (x,y) position:
1. In the Move tool check 'Move the active layer',
2. select the layer group in the Layers dialog,
3. move the layer group around with the Move tool.

It also works with the other Transform tools (you don't need
to execute step 1 for the other Transform tools).

This works for me with GIMP 2.8.4 on a Mac.
If that doesn't work in your GIMP version, then for each of the
layers in the group click into the second column of the
Layers dialog to bring up a little chain before those layers.
Then move them around and after your work click the chain icons
again to remove them.

B) To bring the whole layer group before or behind other layers.
1. In the Layers dialog select the layer group and
2. drag & drop it there to the desired z-position or press the
'Raise' or 'Lower' button in the button bar at the bottom
of the Layers dialog.

Kind regards,


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