Re: [Gimp-user] layers, new problem with old methods

On 01/20/2013 03:21 PM, Donald Miller wrote:

Seems that manual setup is same HTML as on web.
Is there a searchable doc in a Windows format?
Quick and dirty solution:  Use google.  Add this to the end of your
search terms when looking for GIMP help files:


Local help solution:  Go to Edit > Preferences > Help System, and
change "Use the online version" to "Use a locally installed copy."

The layers question was already answered.

In re printing with the GIMP, that's one for somebody with the same
version of MS operating system and the same brand and model family
or printer to answer.  Saving your image in any convenient format,
and printing it with Irfanview, is a pretty much guaranteed solution:

Way back when, I always used to set up the GIMP as the default
external editor for Irfanview:  A very practical combination.



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