Re: [Gimp-user] Suggestions for the GIMP

On 02/11/2013 08:01 PM, jfrazierjr nc rr com wrote:
Example with gimp
file => open =>  nut.png
adjust contrast => ok
I want to save it
I can't...
But I don't want  xcf now.....
Ok , I export
many many many files
=> export
many files later
=> export
what happens....

I believe the above illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what GIMP is and where it is going(at least my understanding).  
The underlying Mantra is "keep the original unaltered"(or some such) and GIMP is slowly working toward that approach.  
To accomplish the above workflow of altering the contrast of an image, a future version of GIMP(2.10, 3.0, ???) would not have 
you modify the original layer, but instead would have you add a Layer Style(or some such "thingy" of whatever name) 
that would modify the VISUAL representation of the layer, but would not actually edit the layer's pixels directly.  You could 
add/remove layer styles at whim and could always get back to the original image both during the same editing session as well as 
in future sessions days/weeks/months/years removed.  This rollback is not possible by direct editing of the original file.  Yes, 
this is a really really simple example, but the same applies for an image that would need many modifications, aga
in, the g

oal should be non destructive editing.

For example, I have used GIMP in the past to edit and create Tabletop Role Playing game maps.  I may for 
example source an image of a rock which wish to place into my final image, but wish to add additional shadows 
and highlights to give the image depth to make it appear more three dimensional.  Typically, I will place the 
rock(or multiples) onto a single layer.  However, I NEVER, EVER, EVER modify that layer.  My approach is to 
create a  new layer filled with 50% grey set to overlay.   I then use the dodge/burn tool upon this layer 
with various settings.  Sometimes I copy this layer with reduced opacity.   Again, the point being that the 
original layer is NOT destructively edited!!!

Likewise, I NEVER, EVER make a selection and fill with some texture, especially on an existing layer with other 
image data on it.  Instead, I put the texture upon it's own layer and then use a selection->Channel->Layer 
Mask.  I spend a few additional minutes of work, but now I can far easily change to a different texture in the 
future if required.   Again, it's a matter of learning and using the tool as it is intended to be used.  Yes, it 
takes up more memory to use additional layers and layer masks, but it's well worth it in the flexibility it gives 
me if I ever need to go back and edit it.

Here is the point: you have to remember/watch what kind of file you're
working on.

Nope, you are ALWAYS working on a GIMP .xcf file.  The original format is irrelevant.  You need to train your 
brain that this is fact.

Irrelevant for your needs, may be, but non irrelevant for many people ...
No, I work on all kinds of image files, not only xcf, sometimes none xcf at all, sometimes only xcf. I think some people here have a "narrow view" about working on image. This is the opposite of the artistic process...

As noted by Alexandre multiple times, it may well be that you are refusing to accept that you are using the 
wrong tool.   If you never need features that GIMP provides with the .xcf format, then this is almost 
certainly true.  I am not trying to push you away from GIMP, but get you to really think about your needs and 
how they match up with GIMP's functionality both now and in the future.  Based upon the above, if simple 
edits like contrast changes are what you use most of the time, then another product really is the best 
suggestion as GIMP will continue changing it's paradigm to support non destructive edits as new releases come 
out in the future(thus changing where you see items in the menus, how many steps you take to do the same 
thing may increase, etc.)

You know, I work with Gimp, layers, etc, since many years.... If you know a better free soft, tell it to me....Good lucK... The save/as behaviour of Gimp 2.6, Krita, Showfot (kde), is ok but Gimp-2.8 is much better (matchless), except for save function...

"Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures."
"L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure" (Georges Braque)

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