> From:
liam holoweb net
> To:
west ieee org
> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 07:43:46 +0100
> CC:
gimp-user-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Suggestions for the GIMP
> All GIMP's formats (even xcf) are lossy - at the very
least you lost
> undo history, which is one reason why people might save
lots of copies
> of a file as they are working.
> Liam
There are not many applications where the undo history is
considered a tangible part of the current document/project
being worked on.
(On the same note, GIMP is the only application I know of
where even the selection is considered a tangible part of the
current document either. In any other application, changing
selection doesn't add a step to the undo history or prompt for
saving changes.)
-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.