[Gimp-user] Editing your photos in Gimp

Initially the new sliders (i.e. layer opacity adjustment, etc) were
puzzling to me.  Then I had my "well duh!" moment when someone
on-list mentioned that the coarse adjustment function is active with
the cursor in the top half of the slider area, the fine adjustment
function in the bottom half.

The on-canvas text editor gave me cat fits, until I started playing
with it in new empty images just to figure it out.  Now I am
starting to like it a lot better than the gadget it replaces.

I lost "on the fly" brush editing via an always-open brush editor
window, but regained it via the tool options tab and a couple of
user set keyboard accelerators.

Full screen mode was not as bad as I expected, but it's just not for
me.  So far every snag I have hit in GIMP 2.8 turns out to be either
something the improved or something that moved to a more logical



Yeah 2.8 is still a good program but I just got way too accustomed/attached to
the way everything is laid out in 2.6. If they came out with a version of Gimp
that incorporated properties found in Illustrator, like scalable vector
graphics, I would make the switch.

DaviesMediaDesign (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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