Re: [Gimp-user] Putting a GIF on top another GIF

It sounds like you're getting some of the same problems I've had. With
Gimp-gifs, each layer is a frame. The white frames are probably white
full-screen layers.

What I do is just "take a picture" of the frame that I want (front, middle,
and back in the correct positions) by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V. That copies
the visible. Then I put all the frames I want in order--frame 1=layer 1,
frame 2=layer 2. It's tedious, and there are probably better solutions, but
that's mine.

(I made these gifs with it, so it is doable

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr
<jnagyjr1978 gmail com>wrote:

On 08/23/13 14:39, christopher.draper93 wrote:

I'm trying to combine 3 GIFs with one on top, one in the middle, and one
the bottom. When I played the GIF it showed the top one move and a white
space where the other two should be then the top one froze then went onto
the middle one then that one froze and went to the bottom one then
the cycle. If you want to see what I am talking about let me know.
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I'm not sure what the initial problem was, but it sounds as if you made an
animated GIF (with a long delay between frames)?

Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
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