Re: [Gimp-user] newbie question

Hi newbie (aka t-4-2):
Google is your friend [crop the head from one person and pasted to the body of another person] shows many hits. Of first 10, 8 mention Photoshop and 2 mention GIMP.
Changing to [GIMP crop the head from one person and pasted to the body 
of another person] shows "About 646,000 results". I suspect the last 
500,000 aren't much use :-)   but hopefully you will find enough to get 
you on the right track.
(I'm not sure where you are sending from - Reply all shows three addresses

On 2013-08-18 22:45, t-4-2 wrote:
I am completely new to Gimp.
I have Gimp 2.8.6

I need someone to show me how to crop the head from one person and pasted to the
body of another person.

Regards ... Alec (buralex gmail & WinLiveMess - alec m burgess skype)

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