[Gimp-user] CMYK batch conversion

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 2:18 AM,  <brinydeep lavabit com> wrote:
Is there a way to do batch process of converting .jpg or .tif images from
1) Write our own GIMP script that will make use of separate+ and run
it from console.
2) Use imageMagick's convert console utility.
3) Use CMYKTool and forget about console.
Alexandre Prokoudine
If you go for CMYKTool, I compiled it (CMYKTool-016pre1) in linux but when it comes to windows and Gimp 2.8.x 
then there are some adjustments to make.

The bat launcher is set up for gimp-2.0/-2.2/-2.4 and will need to be updated to something like

A couple of file changes. 
Does not seem to find libcairo-2.dll so *copy* this from the ...\gimp 2\bin folder to the CMYK\bin folder
Requires libtiff3.dll which is now libtiff-3.dll so *copy* this from ...\gimp 2\bin to CMYK\bin and rename it.

All being well it should work. 

rich (via gimpusers.com)

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