Re: [Gimp-user] Xcf file Corrupt!? Please Help!

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Kfayejessee <forums gimpusers com> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Kfayejessee <forums gimpusers com> wrote:
So I have been working on this painting for over a week…
Rule #1: Perform regular backups
Rule #2: See Rule #1
Sorry for the semi-snarky response, but it is a good set of rules and
will save you time and heartache when things really go wrong ;)
When I'm working on File-01.xcf, after an hour or two of work I do
"Save As" and name that "File-02.xcf", and so on.  And there are
plug-ins in the registry that automatically make incremental backups.

My first guess as to the the cause of the corruption is hardware.  A
full or failing disk, corrupt RAM, etc.  Or I've had issues with
saving to flaky shared storage.  The prognosis is not good if it's any
of these.
What version of GIMP are you using (see "Help->About")?  What
operating system?  Are you saving to an internal hard drive, or
external storage? Can you post a link to the XCF online somewhere?

I did make a back up...but it still cuts out about five hours of my work...i guess if there isn't any way 
to fix it then i will just work over night to finish...lame!

You know, if you have that much time invested into the work, it would
make sense to back it up a bit more often. Perhaps however, having
been affected by this, you could file a bug report/feature request for
a safer saving mechanism?

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