Re: [Gimp-user] About bad new save export function in Gimp-2.8

maderios (maderios gmail com) wrote:
True, we know that we have way too many configuration settings.

Unfortunately adding to these doesn't help with this problem.

I don't understand. What's the problem ? You can keep a default conf
or change a few things, or change many things... 

This is a two-fold problem: On one hand more options makes it harder for
the user to get a deterministic behaviour (since behaviour depends on
more-or-less-obscure options). On the other hand more options increase
code complexity. They make code harder to understand and to maintain.

And yes, we fought single-window-mode for a long time. In the end we
followed our interaction architect: He deemed it important and created a
spec for it and he wanted it to be configurable.

(Note that SWM also is not a hidden option in the preferences, it has
its own menu entry, it is exposed quite prominently).


              simon budig de    

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