On 05/10/2012 04:26 PM, Russ Marshall wrote:
Can anyone explain to me why GIMP allows their “FREE” software to be
SOLD on eBay? There are those of us
who have been cheated by sellers who, when you win the auction send you
the URL for GIMP web page where
you may download it for free!!!!
I have complained to eBay but they will not do anything about it.


Gimp developers do not "allow" or "not allow" sales. The Gimp license does not prevent such activity. That is part of the whole open-source software world, it is not related only to Gimp.

No, such activity is not honorable -- if the seller has not added any value to transaction, but since it is not a disallowed activity, it is not illegal. Whether it is ethical or not is a decision above my pay grade. I don't like it, but even vultures and possums have their role in the world.

However... I believe strongly -- and I do apply this thinking to myself as well -- that one should first look to oneself before deciding to blame others. Did you know that you were buying Gimp? Did you know what you were going to be receiving? If you did know that you were buying Gimp, did you research it (doing a simple Google search would have told you everything) before bidding on it. Or, if you did not know what product you were buying, why did you bid on it? All these types of questions should perhaps be considered before blaming everybody else.

If you were not previously aware of Gimp and you did not do any research to find Gimp (or other free / open-source software), then perhaps the eBay seller did actually provide some value for the price they charged -- in a devious kind of way, they have introduced you to the wonderful world of Gimp. If Gimp cost $200 or $500, it would still be worth it to _many_ people, myself included.

So, perhaps this is just a life lesson: Know exactly what you are bidding on, research alternative sources before bidding, etc., etc.

By the way, there is a huge and wonderful world of free / open-source software around there. Explore that world and you will find a lot of great, free programs you had no idea existed.


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