Re: [Gimp-user] Questions about gimp compairing gimp to PS

On 12/14/2012 12:04 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:53:42PM +0100, MasterRahl wrote:
#1: in over all view how does gimp stack up to Photoshop and all of its
features, are they compairable? to each other.

I've tried to answer this from a photography point of view here

as fairly as possible. (If there's anything missing or which should be
corrected, let me know.) This is aimed squarely at photography, though;
graphic design or image creation and related features aren't considered.

It looks like you are very familiar with both packages, which is
unusual.  Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed feature
comparison, I have not seen one before.

In re mathemagical upscaling, I have been using a plugin called
"upsize" that seems to give consistently better results than cubic
interpolation.  I don't know who made it or what math it uses; I
think I got it from the plugin registry site.

In re adjustment layers, I may be missing something fundamental but
I seem to be doing the same thing, more or less, in the GIMP:

1)  To run the filter against one layer, duplicate the layer and
work on that.  To run it against a multi-layer image, do "copy
visible" and paste this in as a new top layer.  This will be the
"adjustment layer."

2)  Apply the desired filter, with a stronger effect than your
finished result should have.  Try to go "just a little" overboard.

3)  Adjust the transparency of the layer to adjust the net effect of
the applied filter on the image.  As/when indicated, set the
filtered layer's mode so that only the values you want to change are
affected by it.

I find that deliberately overdoing a filter and dialling back its
strength with transparency and mode adjustments, gets better results
than guesswork and undo/tweak/redo operations - and does so in a
tiny fraction of the time.  It's also non-destructive with regard to
other layers, which is a Very Good Thing.  If this is the workflow
an adjustment layer helps the user do in Photoshop, props to Adobe
for creating a feature that makes this paradigm more accessible to
the user.



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