[Gimp-user] How make an image fade to black



I am trying to make my image fade to black on one side.  I have read the blend tool tutorial in the user manual but all I can get to happen is a black and white gradient completely covering my image.  I have tried adding a transparent layer over the image and applying the gradient to it but for some reason when one side of the image (using the linear mode) starts to get darker, the other side gets lighter, creating a severely distorted contrast with the image, plus the fade covers an entire half of the image.


If someone could give me some help with this it would be greatly appreciated.

Note: I am a Gimp newbie so I don't quite understand all of the techniques and/or terminology.

Also, I will gladly give more info if my question doesn't quite make sense :)


Thanks alot!

p.s. I attached a drawing of what I am trying to accomplish (btw I used Paint so the quality or accuracy is not ideal, but you get the basic picture)

Attachment: fade.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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