Re: [Gimp-user] Review: The Artists Guide to GIMP, 2nd edition

Patrick Horgan writes:
On 04/16/2012 10:48 PM, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
Hi, just throught I'd plug a review of a GIMP 2.8 book I did here:

I loved an earlier version of that book.  Can't wait to read it.  I see
that Akkana's book is out in a 3rd Edition in the UK but not yet
released in the US?

There's no third edition of Beginning GIMP anywhere, at this point
-- at least, if there is, it's news to me! Though I may be starting
work on one soon, if all goes well.

I'm glad to hear there's a new "Artist's Guide" out -- I have the
earlier edition and quite like it.


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