Re: [Gimp-user] Need help repairing image


Daniel Smith wrote:
One more thing I tried a little, if you look at one I've attached,
at the bottom right screwed up section, area where the rocks
extend up to about the blue guy's shoulder...

I selected this area in two pieces, one whole rectangle
first, encompassing the entire area with green distortion.
(This only again in the rocky area)
I used color balance under Colors Menu, to play around
with the colors until I got rid of the green mostly and still got
the rocks to be of the same colors as the rest of the normal
Then, I selected only the section that was the darkest part,
almost over to the edge of the pic, and only about the right
half of the original selection, and played around with Levels
under the Colors menu to adjust out the darkness and readjust
back in the grey to keep the digital info. there.
In this way, you can rather than needing to clone or paint
etc the entire, maybe adjust in and out the effect on the pic
while losing the least of the specific info. Also, you can select
sections based on color, the rocks like I did, then the snow/rock area,
then the next snow, sky, etc. And then if you need to clone
you'll pretty much be in a similar range to rocks to clone from nearby.
I actually noticed while I did it that I could watch the lichens
or dirt or whatever on the rocks to match the color as best
as possible.
Just playing around.
We used to do stuff like this all day and night on my old job.
Good times. Crazy people. We would a had a contest with it.
Course, the blue guy would have ended up with Bette Midler's body, etc.

On 12/26/11, Francesco Scaglioni <fgs mossdog net> wrote:
Have a look at some of the video tutorials on Rolf's site.
You should find much that will help. The one on removing lens flare springs
to mind.




(Apologies for brevity, top posting and poor citation - this email was sent
from a mobile device)
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