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Today's Topics:
  1. Save Button to be Added to Exit Menu (56independent)
  2. Re: Save Button to be Added to Exit Menu (Jehan)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2021 08:07:59 +0000
From: 56independent <56independent protonmail com>
To: "gimp-gui-list gnome org" <gimp-gui-list gnome org>
Subject: [Gimp-gui] Save Button to be Added to Exit Menu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Whenever I exit the program, I often get a little popup that says
?"you have unsaved changes!". This is rather inconvenient, as it has
no save button. Just "Help" "Cancel" and "Discard Changes". I propose
adding "Save and Exit" to the list. Like Inkscape, if you no longer
want to edit a file, and want to do other things, you can then just
quit, with minimal obstruction. The current system forces me to do
"esc" then "crtl+s" then "alt+f4". Inkscape allows me to do "alt+f4"
"tab" "tab"Â Â "tab" "enter" to leave.
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2021 12:27:16 +0200
From: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
To: gimp-gui-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Gimp-gui] Save Button to be Added to Exit Menu
Message-ID: <d77585e9-7af4-430b-cdc1-1860b3b9e178 girinstud io>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
On 9/12/21 10:07 AM, 56independent via gimp-gui-list wrote:
> Whenever I exit the program, I often get a little popup that says
> ?"you have unsaved changes!". This is rather inconvenient, as it has
> no save button. Just "Help" "Cancel" and "Discard Changes". I propose
> adding "Save and Exit" to the list.
Actually next to each opened item, there is a save icon you can click
for each specific unsaved file.
Having a global "Save all" icon would make sense though, if all files
were already saved (i.e. there is an associated XCF), though it may be a
pain if there are images with no XCF yet (we can't pop-up file dialog
for path/name choice for as-many images as there are in the list).
We could show the "Save all" icon only when all images have a XCF
associated, but then it is a consistency issue. Some people will not
understand the logics and think it's broken when it doesn't appear.
Maybe we could just gray it out with a popover text saying "Some images
have no associated XCF".
Anyway something can be done to improve the workflow, for sure.
> Like Inkscape, if you no longer
> want to edit a file, and want to do other things, you can then just
> quit, with minimal obstruction. The current system forces me to do
> "esc" then "crtl+s" then "alt+f4".
Well now, you will know you don't have to "esc", just click the "save"
icon next to each name in the list. ?
> Inkscape allows me to do "alt+f4"
> "tab" "tab"Â Â "tab" "enter" to leave.
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End of gimp-gui-list Digest, Vol 49, Issue 1