Re: [Gimp-gui] Force Toolbox Widgets To Bottom


On 2015-10-15 19:37, Elle Stone wrote:
On 10/15/2015 01:23 PM, Andrew Pullins wrote:
The point of this feature is not to take a way your ability to add
dialog to the toolbox, nether bottom, left, or right. On the contrary, the point is when you have users like me who do not like the dialogs in
the toolbox. When you take away the dialog the toolbox looks bad and
there are things I believe could help make it look better.  It is also
not about looking like Photoshop although that is not a bad thing.  We
should not do things just because Photoshop does it that way.  But we
should also not immediately reject ideas because Photoshop does it that
way either.

The discussion started with a request to remove the verbiage about
dropping dialogs in the box, when there aren't any dialogs in the
toolbox (a great idea, I do get tired of the "belt and suspenders"
approach to the UI).

And now the discussion has reached the point where the suggestion was
made to "work on a complete redesign of the toolbox and tools'

Well because some of us probably believed that just removing a problematic label was not removing the problem but only a consequence of it. Even though I agree that GIMP UI is not the worst, it can still be improved. And this is the place to discuss how.

So hopefully that complete redesign doesn't produce a Frankenstein out
of the current tidy little "tools and dialogs in one place" Toolbox.

Frankenstein is actually when you patch small improvements here and there. If we can rethink the UI cleanly with a spec that we can agree on which could later be followed for implementation, this would be all but Frankenstein.

This said, the goal is not about forgetting the past experiences, redoing all the mistakes and breaking working stuff. We should build upon existing UI successes and keep all the good things.

Also I expect whatever comes out of our current discussions will take time to make its way to GIMP actual code. This is likely not 2.10 material for most of these, and maybe not even 3.0.


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