Hello Gimp Docs Team, my name is Günther Schrenk and I recently send a mail about editing the Phyton Docs. I now managed to be able to edit the docs, and now I'm wondering about the .sgml file which seems to translated to .html files using make. I'm realy confused here. The .sgml file was edited just 3 weeks ago to fix a typo, and a month ago someone made a big submit to add meson.build files to the repository including the Phyton docs for the Meson Build System. Though the .html files for the Phyton Docs have not be updated for more than a year, so the changes made are not reflected to the enduser. Trying to build the .html files from the .sgml file using make seems to require db2html program installed. pygimp.html: pygimp.sgml
cd $(srcdir) && db2html --nochunks pygimp.sgml
cd $(srcdir) && mv pygimp/*.html .
rm -rf $(srcdir)/pygimp
db2html is a Linux tool and there is another tool with the same name
for database stuff.
So how do I build the .html files from the .sgml file in windows? Is it required that the doc is written in an .sgml file? Can I convert the .sgml to an .html and get rid of the .sgml? When the file structure of the documentation changes, will it still load properly by the current link to the docs? Cheers,Günther Â