Re: [Gimp-docs] git clone address

Is this the project you mean?

`git clone git gitlab gnome org:GNOME/gimp-help.git`

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 3:24 PM Kolbjørn Stuestøl <kolbjoern stuestoel no> wrote:
I am trying to download GIMP using the command 'git clone
gimp-docs-list gnome org' but get an error message.
Is this the correct address?
If not, my access rights was not 'exported' to the new address as I
thought it would be. Yes, the old call functioned from this computer.
I have tried to find the address on the web but all I get is the old
one. ('git clone ssh://myUserName git gnome org/git/gimp-help-2'). Some
updates necessary? Or I did not used the right search terms.
I am asking because I have some spare time to use on translating again.
I do know I've been asking a similar question last summer or so but
can't find the thread.

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