Re: [Gimp-docs] GIMP doc on Cygwin

Den 10.09.2013 21:30, skreiv Julien Hardelin:
I remember there was some problems but not the solutions and neither where to find the threads where the installation(s) was discussed. Julien, are your "cookbook" (Using Cygwin for GIMP translations) still available somewhere?

Unfortunately no.

But did you try cygwin + git on Google ?
Nice to hear from you.
Yes, I have searched several times and have found some old threads, so perhaps I will manage it some rainy day. It is not very important as I still am able to use an old computer. In fact the one you and some others helped me to set up many years ago. :-)
The main reason for changing to 64 bits is the speed and of course the 
safety in having Cygwin/git etc. running on two or more computers.
The reason for the trouble is that Cygwin refuses to update my 32 bits 
version running on a 64 bits computer. I have to install the 64 bits 


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