Re: [Gimp-docs] No module named libxml2

Den 15.09.2012 20:27, skreiv Ulf-D. Ehlert:
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 06:26:42PM +0200, Kolbj�rn Stuest�l wrote:
Moving my work on GIMP to another computer I run into some problems.

make validate-nn
[XML] xml/nn/filters/alpha-to-logo.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
     File ".tools/", line 191, in <module>
     File ".tools/", line 88, in Main
         from xml2po import Main
     File "/bin/GIMP/gimp-help-2/tools/xml2po/", line 27,
in <module>
         import libxml2
ImportError: No module named libxml2

Running python 2.6.
I do not know about programming in Python.
I do have a libxml2/libxml directory installed ( in
usr/include/libxml2) but no separate files with this name.
Question: Where is looking for includes?
Usually Python is looking for
(try python -c "import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_path('sitelib')").
The prog. did not found sysconfig

How to fix this?
Install package "libxml2-python" (or similar, I don't know Cygwin).
Did it, but same error message.
Other fixes needed?

Neither does make check-images-nn works as suggested, but I think
this is another question.
Error messages?
I deleted all Cygwin installations to clean it up and to give it a new try. Do not remember the messages. Will be back as soon as I finished reinstalling. I.e. next week. Some other things to do this weekend.
I am running Cygwin on Windows 7.
This ("Windows") *is* a bug... ;-)
Well, I really do not disagree, but I had to use DOS and later Windows because of my job.


Kolbjørn Stuestøl, Stuestøl, 4580 Lyngdal
Telefon: (47) 38 34 78 62,  (47) 917 81 125
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