Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP-2.10 and GIMP2.99 are still sRGB-only image editors

On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 3:00 AM Elle Stone wrote:

Participating in GIMP development used to be challenging and enjoyable.
But over the last couple of years my interest in and patience with the
slow pace of progress regarding GIMP color management have dwindled to
the point of disappearing altogether.

Two years ago we had three active developers hacking on GIMP like
there was no tomorrow.

We lost one of them entirely, it seems, and another one is mostly
preoccupied with family business, so we are down to one active
developer and a few new active contributors. We are also approaching
the end of very long and tiresome work on refactoring which is not
done yet. Also, a lot of time of that one active developer was spent
figuring out ways to make development of GIMP sustainable (no details
at this point in time, sorry). So yes, there are several critical
areas where help is needed. Color management is clearly one of them.

I guess if you adjust your expectations accordingly, you will see that
there is no acting in bad faith here.


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