Re: [Gimp-developer] png save broken in gimp edge ppa - There was an invalid UTF-8 string in the exif:ImageDescription


On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:59 PM, Thorsten Stettin
<thorsten stettin gmail com> wrote:
Am 23.05.2016 um 15:00 schrieb C R:

Happens every time with this file:

steps to reproduce: the downloaded file in gimp
2.export as "ac_a4_document_holder_vintage_leather_brown_4a.png"
3.these boxes in png export are checked: "save background colour", and all
checkboxes after and including Save resolution, compression level 9, and
everything under advanced checked.


At home in Xenial I exported your picture with save comment.
The above error occurred.

I took a look at the comment field exactly the exif:ImageDescription: It
contains an invalid UTF-8 string.

*identify -verbose ac_a4_document_holder_vintage_leather_brown_4.png | grep
-i desc **
**    exif:ImageDescription: ..:\w.*

According to the Exif spec
(, even UTF-8
should be invalid. This field is supposed to be ASCII only apparently
(yes that's sucky, definitely). To use multi-byte encoding, such as
UTF-8 (or others such as JIS), the right field is UserComment.

After replacing the picture comment content with Gimp's standard one - valid
UTF-8, I think - I could export your picture without any problem.

*identify -verbose ac_a4_document_holder_vintage_leather_brown_4a.png | grep
-i desc
    exif:ImageDescription: Created with GIMP*

I guess it's a bug regarding the comment string and/or character set
handling. Maybe a wrong character set was using in the exif:ImageDescription
field, I assume.

All this said, it would be good if GIMP were more robust to
otherwise-valid images, even with buggy metadata. In particular, it
should not fail to export, but simply discard the wrong metadata field
with a warning.

Could you please open a bug report about this issue so that we look
into this issue?




On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Thorsten Stettin
<thorsten stettin gmail com <mailto:thorsten stettin gmail com>> wrote:

    Am 23.05.2016 um 08:44 schrieb C R:
    > Fails on export with a Plug-in crash:
    > "Procedure 'file-png-save-defaults' returned no return values
    > Strangely, if you save as a jpeg first, it exports to png just fine.
    > Steps to reproduce:
    > 1. Open File
    > 2. Export to png
    > Results in the above crash.
    > Ver: GIMP 2.9.3
    > Ubuntu 16.04 with gnome-shell 3.18.4
    > -C
    Under Trusty I can't reproduce that behavior. :-(

    gimp Version
    libgegl-0.3-0 1:


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