Re: [Gimp-developer] Darktable plug-in in GIMP

On 30 Apr 2016, at 16:58, Tobias Ellinghaus <houz gmx de> wrote:

Am Samstag, 30. April 2016, 16:51:05 schrieb Carmelo DrRaw:
This issue is easily handled by other RAW loading plug-ins by intercepting
the input files with .tif or .tiff extension and running the normal GIMP
loading procedure in such cases.

Sure, you can work around that, but it's not a proper fix, is it? So I 
personally prefer to keep the behaviour broken to make someone fix it for real.

If UFraw was forced to implement this workaround already few years ago, so I guess it will still take quite 
some time until someone fixes that for good… meanwhile you will be flooded by comments from unhappy users 
because this new DT plugin code already made it into PPAs that lots of people use.

My suggestion: implement the workaround as soon as possible, and then identify the person that should 
implement a proper fix into GIMP and try to convince her/him to do the job.




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