Re: [Gimp-developer] Darktable plug-in in GIMP - Darktable for Windows?

* Sven Claussner <scl gplus gmail com> [04-20-16 00:47]:

sorry if I'm asking the wrong question but I feel I have to.
Since 18.04.2016 there is a raw importer plug-in in GIMP master
that calls darktable to do its job. With the same commit
the GEGL NEF importer was disabled which is a quite clear sign
of the devs' preferences.
On the one hand it is great we have proper import for raw
files in GIMP and darktable is indeed a great application for
raw processing. On the other hand I see that up to 90% of the PC
users are Windows users, for instance see these [statistics].
In the past the darktable devs refused to provide a Windows build
for understandable reasons of maintenance and even didn't want to
hear about Partha's Windows build (see the latest discussion about
this on the darktable dev mailing list in February 2016). The latter
makes it also very difficult to discuss Windows related bugs
which will definitely come.
So, it seems GIMP and Darktable are now trapped - how are
90% of the GIMP users supposed to import raw files with an
application that will probably never support their platform?
What has led to this decision?
Did anybody compare the various ways to import raw files
into GIMP (GEGL, darktable, ufraw, photoflow etc.)?
statistics lie :) but you can always use photivo or rawtherapee.  They
have/provide windows builds.  Or you might embrace linux :) and free
yourself of dependencies which increasingly desire more of your payroll
and allotment for new glass.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri        Photo Album:
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