Re: [Gimp-developer] why I can't repeat this command?

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:03:42PM +0100, Ofnuts wrote:
On 21/03/15 16:17, Marco Ciampa wrote:
I am selecting a program window screenshot (just an image).
The command includes some pixels around the program window.
I select all the image and shrink the selection 1 bit at a time.
Why the "repeat command" is grayed out?
I have to repeat the command every time selecting it in the menu.
Is there a reason for this behaviour?

I don't see a "repeat command". I see a "Filters>Repeat last" which
as its location implies repeats the last *filter* (a general
"repeat" would be next to Edit/Redo).

Sorry, I was extrapolating from a nationalized run. The command is:

Edit->Redo (grayed out) and, to aswer Owen too, since Filters>Repeat last
works with filters and Select->shrink is not a filter, it is grayed out too.

I am using gimp-2.9, pulled Mon Mar 9 2015.

Presumably is a feature that I do not understand... sorry for the noise.


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

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