Re: [Gimp-developer] Jenkins tutorial

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Mukund Sivaraman <muks banu com> wrote:

It would be nice to have docs on how to setup such a Jenkins instance
(after the other tutorials are written).

* Many bits in GIMP's source code are like a reference for "how to do X"
  which other free software projects can use as examples. In the same
  way, "How to setup a Jenkins instance for GIMP" would help others
  setup one for their project too.

* Such docs would enable others to maintain/reconfigure the Jenkins
  instance when you are busy and unable to do so.

That being said... would it be useful to have a vagrant instance of the
development environment including Jenkins for Job testing?  With a vagrant
file it can be as easy as a single program executing to pull down virtual
box, the image, all of the requirements for gimp building and testing.
This is something which could also be tweaked.  Also, Jenkins really isn't
hard.  It's pretty intuitive IMO (java -jar jenkins.jar and you have a
local web server) but a turn key dev environment would certainly lower the
barrier to entry.

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