Re: [Gimp-developer] Help for wacom bamboo PAD

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Vincenzo Mazzone wrote:
Hello everybody, I'm Vincenzo Mazzone, i'm italian so, sorry for my
english, i've bought the bamboo PAD with digital stylus, the stylus was
described on the resellers websites that it have 512 pression points and
the wacom website tells about pression-sensibility:
pity that the function doesnt work becouse wacom don't want to realase
Hi Vincenzo,

It has nothing to do with drivers :) Pressure sensitivity in GIMP 2.8
for Windows is simply broken. Fixing it would involve a lot of work on
an underlying technology that is pretty much obsolete by now. A proper
fix will be released as part of GIMP 3.0, but it's way in the future
(no estimations at this time).

I'm afraid, right now you have to downgrade to GIMP 2.6 on Windows, if
pressure sensitivity is crucial for your work.


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