Re: [Gimp-developer] ANNOUNCE: GIMP User Manual 2.8.1 released

Am 29.11.2013 06:45, schrieb Róman Joost:

A new version of the user manual for GIMP 2.8 has been released!

You can find the release on our FTP server:
  (md5: 7f48c64bcadab9611ce8d3d89d990bb4)

  (Bugfix release for GIMP 2.6)
  (md5: e5837ac401c3129193dcbef254014c1e)

We have included:

    * many, many, many bugfixes

    * New (incomplete) translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Catalan

    * The online version of the manual provides a language menu. Readers are
      now able to easily switch to a different language of the same page.

    * It is easier to report bugs: Each page has a link at the bottom to report
      errors straight into Bugzilla.

For easy installation, we suggest that you wait until an installer for this
release has been packaged for your platform. Find more releases and information
about our goals and how you can help at

Happy GIMPing!
Hi, Róman,

now I'm building new Ubuntu Gimp User Manual 2.8.1 packages. There are a
warning during build:
warning: failed to load external entity "stylesheets/languageVocab.xml"

Should I worry about this?



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