Re: [Gimp-developer] Text Editor Popup/Overlay Dialog

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Joao S. O. Bueno <gwidion mpc com br> wrote:
On 26 June 2013 13:15, Jake Blank <jaketblank gmail com> wrote:
The overlay-ed Text Editor in Gimp 2.8+ is extremely annoying - how can I
choose a proper font if I can't see my image?! afaik there's no way to
disable it :/

Indeed - maybe everyone agrees it could be hidden if the user sets the
"user editor" on the
tool options (to type the text in a pop-window)?

The unstable version has an experimental feature to move all on-canvas
widgets to the top right corner of the image window. Not for the text
one yet, afaik, though.

In my experience (and I use the text tool a lot) the on-canvas widget
doesn't interfere with my work, but I can see how someone would have
problems with smaller images. So there are a few options to consider,
and, imo, this is where we need input from Peter.

P.S. Sorry about the blank email.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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