Re: [Gimp-developer] Single build for various OSX versions (Was: [Gimp-user] Open Gimp)

Am 08.12.2013 um 22:37 schrieb Partha Bagchi <partha1b gmail com>:

Hi Sven,

It's a complicated process. Due to changes in how threads are handled
between SL and later, if you build on Mountain Lion or Maverick the builds
will not function on SL or earlier. So, to build Gimp such that it
functions on SL and later, I installed Xcode under a separate folder and
then point gcc to that folder and not use Maverick system folders.I also
pass the CFLAG macosx-version-min=10.6

great, … that’ looks promising. (I have to admit that I never thought of using macosx-version-min)

Isn’t it enough to only use macosx-version-min? 

What do you mean exactly by pointing gcc to another Xcode? My /usr/bin/gcc is the same as the one
on Xcode/Contents/Develper/usr/bin. I’m using Xcode 5 on Mavericks. 
Do you some other version or a custom installed gcc?

Simone Karin

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