Re: [Gimp-developer] Does anyone want to administer GIMP's buildbot (Jenkins)?

On 22.09.12 at 7:52 pm Mukund Sivaraman wrote:
We have a buildbot (Jenkins based) that we use to check that our
commits to GIMP, GEGL, babl, etc.  build ok and tests run properly.  It
needs a new maintainer.  If nobody steps up, then it will have to be

If anyone with Jenkins experience is willing to step up to the task of
maintaining it, please respond on the list.


I've taken over the maintainership for Jenkins from Martin Nordholt.
First of all I'd like to thank Martin for his good work and wish him the best of luck for the future.

Some of you might already know me from the GIMP Bugzilla and various postings at the GIMP and GEGL mailing lists. I'm a computer scientist from Germany and have been working for years in this sector mainly as developer. My main interests are engineering, architecture, quality and usability of software. Also for many years I've loved creating computer graphics and photo editing with GIMP and other tools.

I am looking forward to our continued good cooperation!
If you have any hints or suggestions let me know.

Kind regards,


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