Re: [Gimp-developer] new heal tool in gimp 2.8

I made another test
i made 4 colour picture and with heal tool copy center to all colour

On 04/27/2012 04:59 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Miroslav Talasek wrote:
but fix mean return back to old algo for me , and Alexandre Prokoudine told
that new algo is better for him
Did I? Is it? :)

the right solution is use both algo and u may choose between them

what is the right way ?
The right way is to analyze why things happen exactly the way they
happen and whether it's possible to implement it properly without
configurations. If a particular proprietary application manages to not
have it configurable and still do the job, certainly we can do too :)
This isn't rocket science.

Let's just not treat confugurability as some sort of a silver bullet.

Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-developer-list mailing list
gimp-developer-list gnome org

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