Re: [Gimp-developer] xcf.gz Format

Well, I'm afraid, I built it myself, but if that is the problem, I will try to compile it again and hope to get all dependencies this time.

Thank you


Am 08.06.2012 23:06, schrieb Mukund Sivaraman:
Hi Anke

On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 10:47:40PM +0200, Anke Lange wrote:
Hello Mukund

One of my useres at the gimp-werkstatt came across this problem and
asked, so I tried to open a xcf.gz on my linux-xubuntu and had the
same problem.
I am guessing that bzip and zlib libraries were not added to this
package as dependencies (and their corresponding -dev packages as build
dependencies). Can you contact the person who made this GIMP package
that you are using and ask if this is so?


Anke Lange
An der Landwehr 25
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon 0541 6004299
gimp-werkstatt gmx de

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