Re: [Gimp-developer] Gaussian/Tileable blur: Choice of IIR and RLE still necessary?

On 30 August 2012 01:11, scl <scl gplus gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working out a GUI brainstorm idea for the Gaussian and
> Tileable Blur dialogs. Both dialogs let the user choose between the
> algorithms IIR and RLE. The documentation says, IIR is faster on
> photographs, RLE faster on drawings. I've never found a difference in
> computing time between these both algorithms and wondered, whether the
> choice is still necessary with modern computer environments.
> What do you think about it?


You are correct in the sense that some filter choices are obsolete.
Most filters had not been touched in a while - and there is the
compromise that at least the inner working (i.e. the API calls) stay
the same throughout GIMP 2.x.
However, most filters  are part of the overhaul taking place in the
development version of GIMP. In the case of the
more used Gaussian Bluer, the work is already done, and the filter
works interactively, with on-canvas live preview, just
like any GIMP tool, and the algorithm selection option is gone.

If you are willing to make suggestions and help improving GIMP, you
are highly encouraged to have one copy
of the development version working, so that you can poke around.


> Thank you,
> Sven
> ___

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