Re: [Gexiv2] Missing overrides ... better error message

On 08/28/2013 09:57 PM, Robert Park wrote:
I'm not sure how we could possibly change this.

Point taken. It is not possible. Oh well.

The overrides file is not optional for python, I'm not sure why so many
people packaging gexiv2 think that it can just be tucked into some optional
secondary package and then not include it by default. It's kind of
insulting, the way it takes my work and just sort of discards an enormously
important piece of it, and then expects everything to continue working
anyway. I mean, I guess I can appreciate not wanting a C/Vala library to
have a dependency on python, but anybody using GExiv2 in python is going to
want their own package to depend on the python support.

THAT is the only reason why there are libgexiv2-python* subpackages.
Fedora has a long bad history with bindings pulling in dependencies we
don't want to have pulled in. And of course, default way how most people
get libgexiv2 package on their computer is as a dependency for Shotwell,
so no Python is needed there at all.



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