[Gegl-developer] Fwd: [CREATE] Only 3 days left to submit your proposal for LGM!

Don't forget, we want you at Libre Graphics Meeting in Leipzig in April!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Femke Snelting <snelting collectifs net>
Date: 12 January 2014 20:53
Subject: [CREATE] Only 3 days left to submit your proposal for LGM!
To: Create ML <create lists freedesktop org>

The deadline for submitting proposals to LGM is Wednesday 15 January.
Please don't forget to submit your proposal for a talk, workshop or
meeting here: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/submit/

If you are planning to join us at LGM this year in Leipzig, you are
welcome to sign up: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/register

Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

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