[gedit-list] TypeError when using External Tools plugin

Another plugin is causing some issues. In the External Tools dialog, there
is an option "Save". When I select "Current document" and subsequently try
to run the custom command, I get the error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/gedit/plugins/externaltools/functions.py", line 298, in
    MultipleDocumentsSaver(window, panel, False, node)
  File "/usr/lib/gedit/plugins/externaltools/functions.py", line 263, in
    signals[doc] = doc.connect('saving', self.on_document_saving)
TypeError: <Document object at 0x7f57885ae708 (GeditDocument at
0x1d3cca0)>: unknown signal name: saving

This might be related to the message that's printed when I open a file,

TypeError: on_saved_or_loaded() missing 1 required positional argument:

Using gedit 3.14.0 on 64bit Linux.

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