Re: [gedit-list] wrapping gedit-dev


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 05:42:01PM +0100, Alessandro Vincenzi wrote:
A last question. This means using Gtk::Notebook to handle the tabs when
multiple files are open in my IDE while every "tab" will have its own
Gsv::View to show/edit the file, right?

See the gedit class diagram at:

LaTeXila had more or less the same problems as your IDE, see:

The plan is to make the gedit source code more reusable, to be able to 
create specialized text editors and IDEs based on GtkSourceView. All the 
gedit code can not go in gsv, so a git submodule can also be created, 
like the libgd.

Developing a good text editor part of an IDE based on GtkSourceView 
still requires a lot of work. A better idea for the long term is to help 
making the gedit source code more reusable, so it benefits also other 
applications. If you want to help, you are more than welcome ;)

Best regards,

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