[gedit-list] Gedit 3.6.2 Undo History

Hello All


Server OS:  OpenSuSE 12.3

Gedit Version:  3.6.2


So I was in the middle of writing a script in Gedit and I decided I wanted to undo the last, let’s say 20 lines, but the undo history was WAY TOO short  to go back that far.


I know on my personal laptop running OpenSuSE 11.3, with Gedit 2.30.4 I can Undo really far back with the Undo option… I think in that version I can even go back to the point when I first opened the document, which is what I was hoping this one did...


So my question is, is it possible to change how big the undo buffer is for Gedit? I didn’t see any option for that inside Edit > Preferences > any/all tabs. And I checked as many directories containing “*gedit*” as I could, but I found nothing that would allow me to change this… On a side note, I did however see in the CHANGELOG that it says you can no longer undo things after you’ve saved the document, but I seem to be able to do that. But that’s beside the point…


Anyone know if I can change the “Undo Buffer” for Gedit 3.6.2?


Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated!


Thanks in Advance,


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